Electrical Strike Plate EKK-EYK-03-EKK-EVK-03

  • Category: Elektirikli Kilit ve Karşılıkları
  • Code: BE-EKK-EYKEVK03
  • Number of Views: 15


• Can be used with all door control modules.
• Butted electrical strike plate thumb type (Optionally, can be applied with EURO FIX type butt plate).
• Can be mounted without knurling the case through the angled bypass surface on the butt plate. 
• Locked when energized / Locked when de-energized types are available. 
• Latch shifting setting.
• Can be used as left or right.
• Operating system that is suitable for narrow door profile.
• 304 stainless 3 mm wall thickness (Optional aluminum).
• Can be produced as custom sized or earless perfect rectangle type.
• For EKK-EYK-03 (locked when de-energized)12V DC 750 mA current voltage value.
• For EKK-EVK-03 (locked when energized) 12V DC 750 mA current voltage value.

Technical Information

MEASUREMENTS: W:25+10 L:110 H:31
TO CREATE AN ORDER CODE: Left/Right information operating when energized/de-energized information + color code
NOTE: Locked when de-energized can be defined as Fail locked, fail secure, fail closed and NO Locked when energized can be defined as Fail open, fail unlocked, fail safe and NC Can be used with all door control modules. Request for custom cut butt plate should be stated in the order.
SUITABLE FOR: Home, Office, Hotel, Student house, Guest house, Residence doors.

Elektrikli Kilit Karşılığı EKK-EYK-03-EKK-EVK-03
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